Hybrid 5/5 Mortgage

Your mortgage

your way.


The Hybrid 5/5 Mortgage combines the best of both worlds, starting with a fixed interest rate for the first five years to provide stability, and then unleashing the excitement of rate adjustments every five years based on market conditions.


At First Entertainment, our Hybrid 5/5 Mortgages give you the ability enjoy low rates and


Flexibility to fit your needs

With a Hybrid 5/5 Mortgage, an adjustable rate allows for potential adjustments every five years, giving you the flexibility to align your mortgage payments with your income fluctuations.

Home Rate

Customized mortgage options

The Hybrid 5/5 mortgage can be customized to suit your unique needs and financial situation, providing you with a personalized homeownership experience.

Mobile Phone

Expert guidance and support

Our dedicated team of mortgage experts can offer specialized guidance and assistance throughout the home buying process, ensuring that you find the best mortgage solution for your individual circumstances.

Meet the team

Real Estate Loan Consultant headshot

Edward Chou

A-List, Warner Bros., Paramount
Real Estate Loan Consultant headshot

Vytas Keblys

Hollywood, Studio City
Real Estate Loan Consultant headshot

Jacquelyn Payton

Santa Clarita, Culver City, Sony

For mortgage applications in process, please click here to login to your application portal.