Offers & Promotions
Offers & Promotions
Explore our exclusive offers and promotions designed to help you save more, earn more and achieve your dreams faster.
Limited Time Offer! – 3.75% APY Term Certificate
Give yourself the gift of more by taking advantage of this great Term Savings Certificate offer! As a valued member of First Entertainment, you can earn an impressive 3.75% APY on a 3-month Term Savings Certificate!
Get up to 0.75% APR off personal loans
Getting a reduction on your APR couldn’t be easier on a personal loan. Just set up direct deposit of at least $1,000 a month and schedule automatic payments from a Value Checking account.
Other Products You Might Like
Our comprehensive range of personal accounts and services are designed with you in mind, making banking easier and more rewarding.
Checking Accounts
Our checking accounts allow you to enjoy the freedom of banking on your terms.
Savings Accounts
Start your savings journey and watch your dreams take shape.
Term Certificates
With flexible terms and competitive rates, lock in a higher yield for your hard-earned money.
Plan for tomorrow, today. Secure your future with an IRA.
The information provided on this webpage is intended for general informational purposes only and should not be construed as legal advice. While we strive to provide accurate and helpful information, the processes and requirements for managing a Trust can vary depending on individual circumstances and state laws. Please note that the documents submitted for these processes will be reviewed and, depending on the specifics of your situation, could be rejected if they do not meet legal or regulatory requirements. We strongly recommend consulting with a qualified legal professional to address your specific situation and ensure that all legal obligations are met. Our credit union staff is here to assist you with the administrative aspects, but we cannot provide legal counsel or advice.