Health Savings Accounts
Stay well.
Take care of yourself with confidence.
Your craft depends on your physical and mental well-being. That’s why we offer Health Savings Accounts to help you cover unexpected medical expenses so you can get back on track– financially and creatively.
The benefits
Our Health Savings Account (HSA)1 helps you pay for unexpected or future medical expenses not covered by your insurance. At age 65, any unused funds can even be applied to your retirement.
Lower Your Insurance Premium
HSAs let you opt for a higher deductible with your insurance, resulting in a lower premium.
Enjoy Your Account Long-Term
HSAs stay with you even if you change jobs.
Designate a Beneficiary
Spouses can inherit the account with no tax consequences.
Get today’s best rate.
Minimum Opening Balance |
Minimum to Earn APY |
APY** |
*One HSA per member. No minimum balance. Inherited accounts are still considered HSAs and are subject to no tax consequences unless unqualified withdrawals are made. Not intended as tax advice, please consult your tax advisor for details. **APY = Annual Percentage Yield. APY is based on the assumption that dividends remain on deposit for the entire dividend period. |
Minimum Opening Balance $0.00 |
Minimum to Earn APY $0.00 |
APY** 1.00% |
How HSAs work
Contributions can be made by just about anyone, and earnings accumulate tax deferred. Withdrawals for medical expenses for you, your spouse, or dependents are tax-free.
Tax-Advantaged Savings
Contributions are made with pre-tax monies, giving you 100% tax deductibility.*
Make Deposits Anytime
HSAs have a flexible contribution schedule and allow a lump sum contribution once a year.
Catch Up On Savings
Catch-up contributions are allowed for members who open accounts after the age of 55.
Build Your Retirement
Whatever funds aren’t used, can be used to supplement your retirement.
Are you eligible to open an HSA?
See if you qualify today!
Eligibility Requirements
To qualify to open an HSA, you must be under 65, covered by a qualified High-Deductible Health Plan, and…
- You cannot be covered by either another health insurance carrier or enrolled in Medicare.
- You cannot be claimed as a dependent by another person.

Open a HSA today.
- *
Federally Insured by NCUA.
- 1
One HSA per member. No minimum balance. Inherited accounts are still considered HSAs and are subject to no tax consequences unless unqualified withdrawals are made. Not intended as tax advice, please consult your tax advisor for details.