You may make loan payments online or through the mobile app by transferring the payment from your First Entertainment savings or checking account.
- Once the funds are placed in your First Entertainment Savings or Checking click on “Transfer & Pay” tab.
- Click on “Transfer Money & Make Payments”.
- Click on “From Account” drop down menu and select the account you are trying to make a payment from.
- Click on “To Account” drop down menu and select the loan number you are trying to make a payment on.
- Under “How Much” tab select payment type – this includes Regular Payment, Amount Due, Pay Off, Principal Only or Other.
- Select “When” drop down menu to either submit a one-time payment OR a recurring payment.
- Select the “Date” you want your payment to be processed.
- If you want to input a “Memo Description” such as August payment that is optional.
- Click on “Review Transfer”; a display box will pop up to verify the transfer information; click on “Submit Transfer”.
To make online loan payments from another financial institution, please add us as a payee to their online bill payment program.